Douloufakis Winery - Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Gold color with lemon glints. Ripe, melony nose. Firm, full bodied, textured. Crisp, clean finish. A nicely made Sauvignon Blanc with plenty of character and good balance.
Vinification Method : Classic white applying the skin contact method.
Variety : Sauvignon Blanc 100%
Wine Description : This is an international variety with a touch of Crete! The warm climate enriches the aroma and gives to the wine body and soul, without taking away any of its zest and vivacity.
Tasting notes : Gold color with lemon glints. Ripe, melony nose. Firm, full bodied, textured. Grisp, clean finish. A nicely made Sauvignon Blanc with plenty of character and good balance.
Vineyards – micro climate : This variety among other international varieties makes the most of the island's individual terroir to reveal its character in a unique and most interesting manner.
Harvest period : The grapes ripe in the middle of August.
Production Year | 2019 |
Region | Crete |
Dryness | Dry |
Style | Still |
Wine Color | White |
Variety | Sauvignon Blanc |
Producer | Douloufakis Winery |
Production Method | Conventional |
Type | PGI Crete |
Bottle | 750ml |
Availability | In Stock |